
Annual Community Gala

Join us for an evening of cocktails, conversation, and community.

For one night we honor the friends, family, caregivers, and loved ones (“Supporters”) of cancer patients while building positive relationships, lifelong friendships, and authentic connections. We invite the entirety of the Melanoma Angel Network to eat, drink, rejoice, and celebrate.

Date: March 16, 2019

Time: 5:30pm - 9:30Pm

Where: Dodger Stadium

1ooo vin Scully avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Attire: Fun Business Casual

Cocktails, Conversation, and Community



On March 16th, we deliver on the promise of the Melanoma Angel Network as we bring together all those impacted by cancer for a communal evening of fun, laughs, food, drinks, and more. Our Annual Community Gala is your chance to laugh, to cry, to celebrate, to share, and to recognize that we never have to struggle alone.

Types of Activities:

  • Dodger Stadium at Sunset

  • Live Entertainment

  • Open Bar

  • Gourmet Dinner

  • Silent Auction

  • Virtual Reality Exhibit

  • ETC. ETC. ETC.

Dodger Stadium is as historical as it is beautiful and we get to enjoy it all to ourselves. Arrive early to get the best photos of one of the most iconic venues in all of Los Angeles. With an open bar and gourmet meal enjoy Dodger Stadium as never before seen.


Together, as a community, we support one another simply because we know what it is like to live with cancer in our lives. For one evening escape reality, appreciate community, savor support, and enjoy the fact that every day is worth celebrating.


Feel fully supported by a community of your like minded peers brought together for one simple goal… to be fully available with an open heart, an open mind, and an endearing smile that reminds us all of the power of humanity.


Contribute to one another and more importantly contribute to a cause. All funds raised via ticket sales and sponsorship go directly to further support of our community and further investment in Melanoma research, prevention, and awareness.